MÄTZLER LTD makes the bar glow
In order to constantly improve and develop, we are always on the lookout for new materials with which to supplement our range. Innovative materials in combination with the appropriate construction and processing give a piece of furniture a special touch and open up many possibilities for a special design.
In a bar in Lugano, we were able to use such an innovative material for the counter. A specially cast surface glass was installed with a cleverly incorporated lighting construction. The result is unique: kept entirely in black, the counter initially impresses with elegance and style. Then, at the touch of a button, not only does it change the appearance of the piece of furniture, but it also likes to warm up the whole atmosphere in the bar. The built-in light reflects fierily on the surface in yellow, orange and red colours; it seems as if the whole bar is glowing. Many an evening will be set alight in this bar.
We would be happy to work with you on a similar special project.